आपको और आपके परिवार को होली की शुभकामनाएँ। आपका जीवन खुशियों के सभी पसंदीदा रंगों से रंगीन हो जाए। Happy Holi to you and your family. May your life get colourful with all your favourite colours of happiness.
आपको और आपके परिवार को होली की शुभकामनाएँ। आपका जीवन खुशियों के सभी पसंदीदा रंगों से रंगीन हो जाए। Happy Holi to you and your family. May your life get colourful with all your favourite colours of happiness.
In a power system, a reactor refers to a device used to control or modify the flow of electric current. Reactors are passive components, typically consisting of coils of wire wound around a core made of magnetic material such as iron. They are primarily used for several purposes in power systems: Reactive Power Compensation Reactors
अर्थ फॉल्ट, जिसे ग्राउंड फॉल्ट या अर्थ लीकेज के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, एक प्रकार का विद्युत दोष है जो तब होता है जब विद्युत कंडक्टर और पृथ्वी (जमीन) के बीच एक अनपेक्षित कनेक्शन स्थापित हो जाता है। यह आमतौर पर तब होता है जब विद्युत उपकरण में इन्सुलेशन विफलता या खराबी होती
विद्युत सर्किट से जमीन तक विद्युत धारा के अनपेक्षित प्रवाह से तात्पर्य अर्थ लीकेज है। यह विभिन्न कारणों से हो सकता है जैसे इन्सुलेशन टूटना, दोषपूर्ण वायरिंग, क्षतिग्रस्त उपकरण, या उपकरण की खराबी। यदि ठीक से प्रबंधन न किया जाए तो अर्थ लीकेज से बिजली का झटका लग सकता है, आग लग सकती है या
Installed Maximum Demand Controller at a steel plant in Thane today. Congratulations Team SYCON MD Controller SYCON 4600
Yes, unlocking the mismanaged energy. Many of our industrial plants are usually well managed in operational activities like purchase, production and delivery. Systems are established to keep vigil for any of waste or non-conformity in these processes. In most of the cases, energy, especially the electrical energy is backbone of these processes. It is observed
With new trends in furnaces and heating technologies, power electronics is playing important role in it. Gone are the days when we used contactor and two-point controller to control the temperature of furnace or oven. It is trend of thyristor or SCR controlled temperature control of furnace or oven. Today, we shall see how it
There had been always complaint about the expensiveness of the thyristor APFC panels. Although we tried to convince the advantages of these panels, the cost was major concern for the customer. The contactor panel costs were more attractive considering capital investment. Although along the running years, the thyristor panels would save more money and would